Learning ES6 - Arrow Functions
One of the key features in JavaScript is the ability to pass around functions as variables. The use of this feature is quite common in most JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks, as well as in the language itself. If you have written something in for example jQuery or plain JavaScript, then you have most likely written a callback before. A callback is actually just a function you pass around and call when some task has completed.
Nordic.js 2015: Day 2
Today is Saturday and I thought that I would write a summary about the second day of Nordic.js, while I’m recovering from yesterday’s epic after party at Trädgården. Personally, I think that the second day was even better than the first day. The theme of the second day was focused on performance in JavaScript and on the web. Not all talks were performance related - the day also had talks about Web Audio and how to build desktop applications using web technologies.
Nordic.js 2015: Day 1
The first day of Nordic.js is coming to an end and it has been a great first day. The line up of speakers have been great and while some, in my opinion, performed better than others the overall experience has been great. I also like the diversity in the type of talks that was given. They have been both practical and inspirational and not all have been necessarily technological in its nature.
Learning ES6 - let and const
Over the past few weeks I’ve started to dive more into EcmaScript 6. I’ve decided that I’m going to take the time and document what I learn here, starting with the new ways of declaring variables let and const. I’ve also started a new repository over at Github that will act as a cheat sheet. Of course, as of writing this, it is still a work in progress but I’m hoping to expand it further over the next coming weeks.
Learning EcmaScript 6 with ES6 Katas
Although I’ve been reading (and coding) a bit of ES6, ES6 Katas feels like a solid piece of source material for getting a good overview on what is new. The site provides programming katas for learning the new things in EcmaScript6. No setup of environment needed, pretty neat! So far I’ve done the Array, Class and Destructuring Katas and I know for sure I’ve learned some new things that will be use full.