Nordic.js 2015: Day 2
Today is Saturday and I thought that I would write a summary about the second day of Nordic.js, while I’m recovering from yesterday’s epic after party at Trädgården. Personally, I think that the second day was even better than the first day. The theme of the second day was focused on performance in JavaScript and on the web. Not all talks were performance related - the day also had talks about Web Audio and how to build desktop applications using web technologies.
Nordic.js 2015: Day 1
The first day of Nordic.js is coming to an end and it has been a great first day. The line up of speakers have been great and while some, in my opinion, performed better than others the overall experience has been great. I also like the diversity in the type of talks that was given. They have been both practical and inspirational and not all have been necessarily technological in its nature.