Compiling riot.js tags using Webpack and Babel 6
We’ve started working with riot.js at work and so far it have been great. Last weekend I decided that it would be nice to update our dependencies in the project. As usual I thought to myself, how hard can it be? And as always, it’s usually not as easy as it seems from the start. We use webpack as a build tool and the riotjs-loader for compiling the riot tags into JavaScript.
Learning ES6 - Default Values & Destructuring
Today, I thought that we could speak about two new features in ECMAScript 6 that are pretty useful when writing functions: default values and destructuring.
Learning ES6 - Strings
There have been some improvements to the ways you can create and work with Strings in ECMAScript 6. For example, new methods were added to the String object. However, the most interesting addition is the new string literal syntax called template strings, and that’s what I’m going to talk about today.
Learning ES6 - Arrow Functions
One of the key features in JavaScript is the ability to pass around functions as variables. The use of this feature is quite common in most JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks, as well as in the language itself. If you have written something in for example jQuery or plain JavaScript, then you have most likely written a callback before. A callback is actually just a function you pass around and call when some task has completed.
Nordic.js 2015: Day 2
Today is Saturday and I thought that I would write a summary about the second day of Nordic.js, while I’m recovering from yesterday’s epic after party at Trädgården. Personally, I think that the second day was even better than the first day. The theme of the second day was focused on performance in JavaScript and on the web. Not all talks were performance related - the day also had talks about Web Audio and how to build desktop applications using web technologies.